Liability Exclusion Of Certain Contents:
We does not take liability for prohibited contents of linked extern websites. In spite of careful checks of foreign sites inspections can never be done completely because web contents are changing continously. For contents of extern websites the operators itslef are responsible.
All contents, texts and pictures on our website and the structure and program code are subject of our copyright and without a written and signed permission of us it is not allowed to copy those or to load images from our server on foreign websites or to use our contents for own purposes.
Legally Binding Of Those Terms:
Those terms are part of our internet offer from which this site is available. If single conditions are not or only partly applicable because of the valid legal position the left conditions will remain valid and untouched. Further if some of those terms are not legally binding or contestable the valid law of the place of business of our company, the Republic of Germany will be valid instead of.